
Phonetic Anagrams are words whose phonetic letters can be rearranged to form other words.

For example, the word “nice” /naɪs/ is a phonetic anagram of the word “sign” /saɪn/ because the phonetic letters /n/, /aɪ/, and /s/ in the word /naɪs/ can be rearranged to form the letters /s/, /aɪ/, and /n/ in the word sign.

In each of the puzzles you are given a series of phonetic letters and fifteen clues divided into groups of three. Find the answer to clue 1 using either three or four of the phonetic letters in the list (depending on the difficulty level of the puzzle.) Write the phonetic letters in the spaces to the right of the clue and then write out the word in English in the space to the right of the phonetic spelling. Then to answer clue 2, rearrange the letters you used in your first answer to form a phonetic anagram.

Short Anagram Example

To answer clue 3, rearrange the phonetic letters you used in 1 and 2 one more time to form a third phonetic anagram that fits the clue.

Cross the phonetic letters that you used off the list and repeat these steps for answers 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, and 13-15. When you have finished, you should have five sets of phonetic anagrams, and all the phonetic letters crossed off the list.

Anagram Example

Anagram 1      Anagram 1 (Answers)

Anagram 2     Anagram 2 (Answers)

Anagram 3     Anagram 3 (Answers)

Anagram 4     Anagram 4 (Answers)

Anagram 5     Anagram 5 (Answers)

Anagram 6     Anagram 6 (Answers)

Anagram Set 1-6    Anagram Set 1-6 (Answers)


  • For an added challenge, the list of phonetic letters above the clues can be covered before photocopying, and the students can attempt to solve the puzzles without them.